Wedding Table 101: How Many Settings Do You Need?

When it comes to setting tables for a wedding, there are many factors to consider, including the size of the guest list, the available space, and the desired ambiance. One important aspect to keep in mind is the number of place settings at each table. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are some guidelines to help you determine the best number of place settings for your wedding tables.

First and foremost, consider the size of the table. A 60″ round table can comfortably fit eight place settings, while a larger table can fit up to ten. However, keep in mind that the more place settings you add, the more crowded the table will become.

In addition to the size of the table, consider the desired ambiance. A table with too few place settings can look sparse and uninviting, while a table with too many can look cluttered and overwhelming. As a general rule, six place settings is the fewest we recommend, as anything less can make the table look empty. Ten place settings is the maximum we recommend, as anything more can make the table look crowded.

When deciding on the number of place settings, also consider the type of meal being served. A formal, multi-course dinner will require more space for plates, glasses, and silverware, while a casual buffet-style meal will require less.

In conclusion, when setting tables for a wedding, it’s important to find the right balance between comfort, space, and ambiance. While a 60″ round table can comfortably fit eight place settings, consider the size of the table and the type of meal being served when deciding on the best number of place settings for your wedding tables. Remember, a well-set table can add to the beauty and elegance of your wedding reception, so take the time to get it right!